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Sunday, 9 March , 2025


historical background

According to the evidence, Sarkhas, located on the border of Iran and Turan, on the road from Merv to Neishabur and Ajam Iraq, was of special importance. In addition, the four roads that branched from Herat and the Harirud stretch, passed through Ferkhs and reached Merv, and the other one went to Tus and Neishabur. Among other things, the existence of water wells and the remains of the pond next to the Rabats, as well as natural springs, is a sign of the importance of these roads over the centuries, which have passed through the valleys and narrow passages. . In this regard, Hamdullah Mostofi writes: “The fern is made by Afrasiab and its water comes from the river that comes from Hari to Tos. It is mentioned in the ancient texts that this area was given by Kikavus to the son of Guderz, and he also built a city on the banks of the Tajen river. and named it after himself i.e. Sarkhas.) Some researchers also know that the founder of Sarkhas Kikavus or Afrasiab or Zulqarnain, according to the verses of the Shahnameh, Sarkhas existed during the time of Afrasiab. It was highly prosperous and in the third and fourth centuries of Hijri, it connected the cities of Neishabur and Merv like a bridge, hence it had national cultural and commercial importance. The district has also been progressing. The city of Sarkhes was once one of the centers of science and knowledge and was famous due to the existence of many schools and libraries.

natural geography


average absolute humidity 67 minimum 32 maximum 50 rainfall maximum 24 hours and annual total 187.3 mm absolute temperature 22.4 absolute maximum 47.6 ruggedness mountains rivers and important plains the largest source of water in Do Rudkha region Nine are Kashf Rood and Harir Rood, which is at the head of the Kashf Rood spring from the slopes of Hazar Masjid in the north of Chenaran and the head of the Harir Rood spring is from the Bab mountains in Afghanistan. The end of this mountain range in the northern part ends at Khojah mountains and Checheh area and leads to Khatun bridge from the southern part. The centers of the neighboring cities with the directions of Arbaa and Fa Salah:

human geography

According to the census of 2013 and taking into account the average growth of the population and possible estimates and the conditions governing the city, currently (the second half of 2015), the estimated population of Sarkhes is 97,500 people. Of this estimate, 39,172 people have lived in the city and the rest have settled in the villages of the city. In other words, the share of urban and rural population in Sarkhes city is equal to 40% urban and 60% rural. In the diversity of ethnic groups, this land of Saman can rightly be considered as a manifestation of the unity of ethnic groups (manifestation of unity), knowing the fern of the land of dual sunshine (knowledge and religion) is a type of Iranian studies. Because most of the cultures and ethnicities have been manifested and there have been many emotional connections and cultural points between them since a long time ago. On the other hand, the existence of different dialects and languages in this area with history and history, each of which is like a hidden treasure, has turned this city into a vast and diverse page of huge cultural and national capital for the breadth of Islamic Iran. . The official language of the people of this city is often with different accents and dialects, which tells about the existence of different tribes and clans in this city.

political geography

Sarkhas city with the mentioned size includes two cities named Sarkhas and Mazdavand and two parts named Central and Marzdaran and six villages named Tejn, Najiran, Sarkhas, Marzdaran, Pol Khatun and Kol Bibi. This city was established in 1368, and there were 72 villages in two parts of Sarkhs city, i.e. the central part and Marzdaran, of which 34 villages are located in the central part and the rest in Marzdaran. In this city, all the departments, organizations and bodies involved in the field of governance are established and under the leadership of the governor of the city, they are serving the citizens of Sarkhsi. In the area of representation of the Islamic Council, this city has a common representative with the cities of Freeman, Ahmedabad and Razavieh, and in the area of the city parliament, it currently has 7 representatives.

political geography

Due to the presence of different ethnic groups in Sarkhes, there are various dialects such as Persian, Balochi, Sistani to Turkish, Turkmen and Kurdish in this region. Groups such as Fars-Bukharai-Sadat Hosseini-Sadat Kabuli-Hazara-Sistani-Arab-Ali Mirzaei-Qaini-Kashmiri-Turk-Turkmen-Shahsun-Mish Mast-Kermani-Kurd-Lor-Jamshidi-Timuri and Baluch in the areas of this They live in the city. The people of Sarkhs are formed from two religions, Shia and Sunni.